Why sell coffee at all?

Somebody recently asked me what was the one smell that I’d never give up, and it really didn’t take me long to tell them that it was fresh ground coffee.

There is something about fresh coffee that wakes you up, inspires hope and courage.

Mythology Coffee comes from small holding farms in India where generational farmers have a unique connection to the beans and the land. Unlike most other types of farming, Indian coffee is grown in connection to the surrounding forest rather than in opposition to it. This means 

1) low-acid coffee means I can enjoy more cups without the tummy pain.

2) native animal populations, birds in particular, aren’t harmed by the planting and harvesting. 

3) the farmers that Mythology is connected to are women who get paid a fair wage. This directly connects to whole areas being lifted from poverty. 

This story isn’t the story of everyday coffee.

Why start a coffee company when there are lots of people already doing that? Because we found something worth sharing that is uniquely better for you and for the world. We saw a way to make the growers lives better and drink more coffee at the same time. Who wouldn’t want a piece of that?

It’s a myth you can’t have the coffee you want.


Coffee Growing Regions of India


Forest Friendly Coffee?