Brewing the Most Good

Combatting Human Trafficking is something I’ve been involved in for almost a decade.

In India, the rates of trafficked kids are through the roof, and it isn’t just what’s pictured in Hollywood with the red light districts of Mumbai. Obviously, I’m not discounting that, but child slavery exists across the country and sometimes it is right out in the open: forced begging, coerced child labor, and more. What my friends have seen most often is child labor where kids have been kidnapped from their parents after defaulting on illegal high interest loans. Those kids are put to work in rock quarries, brick kilns and other things horrible beyond description.

What does that have to do with coffee?

Well, I want to help these kids, and I also wanted to share coffee from India with the world. So I started looking for farms that didn’t use child labor, and I found some with incredible coffee with amazing health benefits. The commitment from Mythology is that 10% of every purchase go to help kids that have been rescued have a brand new life.

When most people say they give back, they are talking about a percentage of profits, and since you have no idea what their profit margin is the amount is questionable.

It’s good for people to give back, but we wanted to be clear. As Brene Brown says, “Clear is Kind.” For Mythology, 10% of the sale goes to help survivors of trafficking, and we believe that will make a big impact as our partner organizations rescue and provide long-term care to kids. Every full-price bag of coffee provides food, education and medical care to a trafficking survivor for 3 days!

Brewing the Most Good? With Mythology, you can!


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